Help Fill the Camelot Sky With Stars

Who Is Your Shining Star?

Make a donation to Camelot, and we will honor the person or cherished pet of your choice with a shining star at the Camelot ranch. Stars will be on display in the educational center through the end of the year.

The star values are:

  • Gold $1000
  • Silver $500
  • Black $100
  • Blue $50

To purchase a star, please complete the form below. You will have the option of paying through PayPal or using a credit card. If you prefer, you can download and print the form (156KB PDF), then mail it to us. Or you can help by making a straight donation of any amount.

Donate Now

If you don’t want to purchase a star, you can still help Camelot by making a one-time donation with your credit card or PayPal account.PayPal donate button

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